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China has near a billon digital consumers, and we know exactly how to reach them.
Here’s the truth…
Expanding your business into Mainland China is a fantastic idea – but to do it correctly, you absolutely NEED a social media presence.
But do you know where most businesses fail with Chinese social media marketing?
They fail because they think they can take what they are already doing in the Western world and just replicate it in Mainland China.
Bluntly put, this is a bad strategy.
While China’s social media platforms might seem similar to its Western counterparts, the truth is that they are completely different ecosystems.
Tiktok is not Douyin. Twitter is not Weibo. Whatsapp is not WeChat.
These platforms are completely independent, entirely unique, and are deeply embedded into modern Chinese culture.
To thrive in the Chinese market, you need to work with an agency with the right team and years of experience taking businesses like yours into Mainland China.
That’s where we come into play…