7 Tips for Boosting Landing Page Conversions with Visuals

The human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text.

60,000 times faster.

So that means that when it comes to marketing your products, pictures and images are essential.

Images help create an instantaneous emotional connection with your audience. They also help improve every aspect of your digital experience including branding, user experience, conversions, and just about everything in between.

But using images in your marketing materials isn’t as easy as taking a photo from Google and calling it a day. You need to be sure that you are using the right images, and that those images are optimized for conversions.

If you want to improve your images in your marketing, here are 7 simple tips to implement that can impact your bottom line right away.


H3: #1 – Stick to one theme

Many people think that more colors and more pictures will make the page richer and more attractive. However, if there are too many colors and the pictures look messy and users will probably bounce.

It is better to choose a theme and an appropriate color scheme before you look for pictures. This will help with the page’s conversion rate, as well as your overall branding.

H3: #2 – Engage with your average customer 

You want your target customers to agree that the products or services you provide meet their needs. More often than not, using pictures is the easiest and most direct way of doing this. When selecting or making pictures, remember to consider what type of person the target customer is and choose pictures that directly communicates to them.

For example, if you’re selling family insurance products, add pictures of happy parents and children. If you don’t include something relevant, it will be difficult to resonate and engage with your customers.

H3: #3 – Express customer emotions

When it comes to emotions – a picture truly is worth a thousand words, and marketers have been using this to their advantage for decades.

For example, it’s very common in commercials for people to look worried, upset or sad before using a product, but then they become happy and relieved after using the product.

If you want to stir up the feelings of your target customers, you have to visually connect with them and drive an emotional response. Think about what kind of emotion you want users to have when they browse your web page, then  find pictures that will evoke that same emotion.


H3: #4 – Make good use of the meaning behind colors

Blue represents calmness, red represents enthusiasm, yellow represents vitality, green represents nature…the list goes on.

Different colors will invoke different emotions within your customers. If you make good use of color psychology, it will help you improve the visual effect of your website, and it will be easier to improve the conversion rate of your website.

Please keep in mind that the color series you choose needs to be consistent with the overall color theme of the website. Don’t add too many contrasting colors on the same page, or you will risk confusing your users.


H3: #5 – Original images are always best

Savvy internet users can spot a stock photo a mile away, and  when users browse your website and see the stock photos, it creates a sense of unoriginality and staleness.

The goal with visual elements is to inspire emotion – and stock photos usually inspire boredom.

Plus original images are better for branding. If you create an original image, it means that your brand exclusively owns that image. It is a good promotion tool for you and makes your brand more prominent in the eyes of your customers.

H3: #6 – Make good use of blank spaces

A good digital experience should be simple and minimalist, and a great way to do this is through the use of blank spaces.

Websites filled with too many eye-catching elements come across as busy and chaotic, and will negatively affect your bounce rate.

Keep your website simple. Keep it clean. Use blank spaces.


H3: #7 – Remember to optimize your images 

You need to make sure that all pictures are clearly displayed on computers, tablets and mobile phones.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the file size of the image. Slow loading images result in a very poor user experience.

H2: Summary

Good use of pictures can help attract customers’ attention and improve conversions. However, if used incorrectly, it can do more harm than good.

Think carefully about your target customers, brand image, the information and emotions you want to convey through the page before choosing pictures that match the copy. This way, you’ll be able to generate better engagement and improve your conversion rate.

If you still have any questions, just leave our digital marketing experts a message!