Search Engine Rankings: 3 Key On-Site Factors to Improve Your Search Ranking

Search engine rankings by doing search engine optimization are critical for your business’s success. Improving search engine ranking is a must, and you should always plan for it accordingly.

The higher you rank on search engine results, the more likely prospects will notice you and click through to your site, thus improving your organic page ranking.

This article will help improve search engine rankings with 3 on-site factors.

What are the 3 on-site ways to improve search engine rankings?

1. Optimize the content of your website

Many readers have a basic understanding of SEO. If so, they will know that simply optimizing the content is not enough to improve the keyword ranking for the target keywords of your website.

That doesn’t mean the content of the website is not an indispensable element of good SEO. According to a study from Ahrefs, 91% of all pages don’t get traffic from Google searches.

So, how can we make our website content get higher search results from a search engine?


<h4 class=What Is the relevance of content and user intent?

Understanding user intent is perhaps the first step in optimizing content for a website. User intent is one of the most crucial search engine ranking factors. How well do you know your target audience? Are you aware of their intent?

Being aware of your target audience user intent is the starting point to improve your Google search results.

Experimental algorithms from Google evaluate user intent. If your website content is not relevant to the search term, Google may lower your search rankings.

In recent years Google has continued to expand long-tail keyword combinations. In other words, meaning the user’s search intention will be more obvious.

By understanding the relevance of user intent, you can optimize content accordingly.

We can optimize the content of the website according to the information, navigation, and desire of the user’s search keyword.

This will ultimately improve your search engine rankings.

Is the more content, the better for Google rankings?

The in-depth content can help users by answering questions. Also, providing new perspectives on topics, and giving information to users can help.

According to HubSpot’s research report, content sitting between 2250 and 2500 English words tends to receive the most organic search results (Organic Traffic).

For website content optimization, becoming an expert in a field of knowledge and constantly publishing articles is key. Doing this in a specific category will not only help to improve SEO, but also help you become a thought leader in the industry.

Therefore, you create more business opportunities. But keep in mind that the quality of the content is important. Moreso than the amount of content and that both quality and quantity are the way to success.

What role does content structure play in search rankings?

In addition to the length and depth of the content, the structure of the article and the content of the website are also very important for the overall content optimization.

To make sure that the user and the search engine can properly read the text, we have to pay attention to the layout, insert key keywords into the URL and page titles, use related keywords, create content segmentation titles (H2, H3, H4), and clearly express the meaning of each segment to help to improve Google’s rating of the site’s content.

One should always be mindful of using Google Search Console for keyword research. A target keyword phrase that is relevant to your user can then be used in the title, title tag, and meta description. This will guide search engines to know what your content is about.

If you are on point with user intent, you should see your ranking improve on the search engine results page.

2. Optimizing the website and increasing user engagement (User Engagement)

It’s not normally enough for web developers to design a website to gather information.

Quality website content can not only help customers and increase session duration but also help improve search engine rankings.

Is your content appealing? Or is it uninteresting content that fails to capture the attention of your visitors? Is your content actually helping your users solve their painpoints?

User engagement or user signals have always been seen as an indirect factor in increasing your ranking on Google and serve as an important reminder to improve the website.

Pages per session

Page views show how many website pages were viewed before the user left your site. How do I know my page views?

Google Analytics is a great tool for optimizing your website. In addition to the overall visitor browsing data, this is where you can find the number of page views and the average session duration, which is the average time spent by users on your website.

These two sets of numbers are the main indicators that reflect the interactivity and appeal of your website.

If readers browse multiple pages on your website, it means that your website content can largely satisfy their search intentions. 

Try to lower your website bounce rate (Bounce Rate)

The bounce rate reflects the user’s satisfaction with your website to a certain extent.

A high bounce rate means that your web page does not satisfy the user’s intention and cannot meet the user’s expectation of entering the site.

For sites with high bounce rates, inserting a call to action on the page can encourage users to click and jump to other pages on the site. You can also improve your keyword research to ensure what users search for is actually reflected in your content.

Another method is placing more links or providing relevant readings in the body content material. This is commonly called link building. You could, for example, link to another blog post.



3. Technical Structure

The technical structure is the most important part of your website.

We observe user engagement and keyword rankings from a technical structure level. The technical structure can be seen as the basis for establishing all other SEO methods.

Without a solid technical foundation, your content will lose its value and SEO rankings.

Website Crawlability

You need the appropriate site structure for the search engine to crawl. The search engine will only index the sitemaps and links provided on your site, while your Crawl Budget will determine how many pages can be indexed when the search engine is crawling.



While most webmasters don’t have to worry about Crawl Budget, this is a big problem for large sites, and crawling budget webmasters can prioritize which pages to crawl and index.

Readers can create sitemaps using CMS or Screaming Frog and submit them manually via Google Search Console and Bing webmaster tools. For pages that you don’t want to be crawled, you can put them under the forbidden file in the robots.txt file to avoid being indexed.

Website security

As we all know, having an HTTPS secure website is very important in ensuring the security of transactions on your website. For Google, this is also an important ranking factor.

When it comes to certain special situations, for example, during the website migration period, the page may point to a different web page without HTTPS.

In theory, the page should point to the HTTPS corresponding page. If the link to the non-HTTPS page is ranked, it will likely be unfavorable.

If you anticipate the above, we recommend that you contact your Hosting provider to resolve other issues with SSL certification and operation.

Final thoughts: Doing this can be a lot of work!

Are you finding that your search results are not good? Want to improve SEO rankings? Like to see your search volume improve? Should you just do these 3 tactics? Should I Invest in SEO?

The quick answer is yes! SEO is a deliberate, data-driven strategy to improve the quality of your company’s digital marketing and increase its visibility.

The advantages of SEO can only benefit your brand, making the effort spent doing it worthwhile. SEO necessitates much research. It is a difficult and ever-changing technical landscape.

One thing for sure is that SEO develops as new technology arises and evolves. Remember that SEO increases traffic, promotes your brand, engages consumers, and has a direct impact on user experience.

Lastly, SEO is a critical component of your company’s digital marketing and content marketing success.

Want to further improve your website keyword rankings? Feel free to look into our SEO services. We use white hat SEO strategies to help you achieve higher keyword rankings in Google. Contact us today and get free SEO analysis report!

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