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What is a Backlink?
What is a Backlink?
When website A links to website B, website B has a backlink from website A. backlinks acts as an endorsement, signaling your website’s relevance and worthiness of a visit. The more backlinks your site has, the more value it gains.
What is Link Building?
Link building is an SEO strategy of getting backlinks from other websites to your own. Link building can be done in various ways, such as:
1. Content Creation & Promotion: Creating compelling and high-quality content that naturally encourages other websites to link to you.
2. Reviews & Mentions: Getting your product, service, or site mentioned on industry blogs, review sites, or news outlets.
3. Links from Friends & Partners: Asking people you know and have business relationships with to link to your site.
4. Outreach: Reaching out to relevant websites and blogs in your industry and convincing them to link to your content.